Friday, May 28, 2010

Time out

You wouldn't know it by the sweet look on their faces (or maybe you can catch the gleam of mischief in their eyes?), but my little guys BOTH were in time out this afternoon...a first for Sawyer! The time out was really a break from each other AND a break for me. Overall, my red heads get along really well, but battles do occur. I'm working hard to not be the referee of each and every problem (usually involving Jack saying "Ew", Sawyer saying "No", Jack telling Sawyer to "Stop saying no!" and Sawyer giving his blood curdling scream...seriously, he could break glass). My general rule of thumb is if they can't play nicely with a toy together (after MANY tries/attempted teaching sessions), the toy goes away. Today, they needed to go away....from each other. Solo time in their own room where they weren't allowed to play together for a few minutes. We ended the escapade on a positive note...a quick read of Big Brother, Little Brother and hugs all around. I'm not sure if they truly got the message but I certainly basked in the peace....for the moment.

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