Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something's wrong, Mommy!

Jack is experimenting with his emotions these days. Most of the time, he's my bubbly little boy but he is noting other feelings, too...angry, frustrated, excited, hungry (his tummy loves to "grumble") and most frequently sad! I think a lot of this is inspired by the book, Today I Feel Silly by Jamie Lee Curtis (he loves it!). Here's a recent conversation we had in the car.

Jack - "Mommy, something's wrong."
Mommy- "What's wrong love bug?"
Jack - "I feel very sad."
Mommy- "Oh, I'm sorry buddy. Why are you sad?"
Jack - "I'm sad because I want to watch a movie at home."
Mommy - "I'm sorry your sad, but we aren't watching a movie."
Jack - "How's this? First, we play, then we watch a movie?" Mind you that the word "movie" has great inflection and passion embedded into it!

We definitely have a little guy who will likely be involved in some creative arts...possibly drama!

1 comment:

Jackknife said...

You could just tell him what your mom always used to tell us.

"2 minutes"

We all knew that 2 minutes meant much longer than that or possibly never, but it still made us shut-up.
